Adopt an Olive Tree: Aquila


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  • “Adopt an Olive Tree” is valid for twelve months from the subscription date.
  • Upon expiry, you can renew your membership by paying a new fee.
  • The tree you have chosen will have a plaque with the name you want to give it, and will be located in our filed with GPS.
  • You will be sent email and photos of the various stages of the plant: pruning. Fertilizing, chopping herbs, and, finally, the harvest.
  • You can come to our olive grove and visit your tree at any time of the year, even without any warning.
  • You will be informed by e-mail at least fifteen days before the day for collecting the olives of your tree; you can be present during all the phases, up to the olives milling in our mill and, at the end of the day, you can take home the evoo produced by your olive tree.
  • You will be entitled to a six 550 ml bottles pack of extra virgin olive oil directly obtained from the adopted tree.